Friday 22 June 2012

Hello Ladies

Okay here we go ladies, a blog spot for us to share a lot of wedding ideas etc etc. Well here's the thing i am not a wedding planner by profession, I'm actually a designer but I absolutely love love weddings and I know a lot of people do. I know quite a lot about them and I know you do too so hey sharing is caring. My friend Rue and I were chatting the other day about two upcoming weddings hers included and we had chatted up a storm till we thought hey lets blog about this or something. So yesterday i blogged about being a victim of procrastination so in order to get rid of its hold on me i started this new blog today and decided not to do it tomorrow.

I hope you will find this blog very useful to us as Zimbabwean women and what makes us unique. I haven't quite mapped out the whole scheme for how this will work but we will find our feet as we go along. For now i would be most delighted if you would make suggestions of what we can talk about.

Hope to hear from you lovely ladies soon

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